“It’s a match!” Business Acquisition Conference recently took place at IHK Potsdam. Gerald Rynkowski, MD of VEINLAND took over a company which he met at the conference exactly a year ago. At this year’s conference he shared valuable insights, strategic reasons, past expereriences, potential risks for “seller” and “buyer” with all participants besides summarizing the key facts for a successful, smooth and swift continuation of business operations post-acquisition. Gerald Rynkowski highlighted the importance of bringing all employees together and introducing them to the new strategies in a clear and an authentic way.

A big thank you to Christian Schuchardt for the great moderation and all participants and co-organizers: Handwerkskammer Potsdam, Berliner Volksbank eG, Bürgschaftsbank Brandenburg, DEHOGA Brandenburg e.V., Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB), Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse, Steuerberaterkammer Brandenburg, TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH, Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB), Wirtschaftsförderung der Stadt Potsdam and Wirtschaftsjunioren Potsdam.

Photos: lukas.braun | ihk potsdam

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