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General Terms and Conditions of VEINLAND GmbH
I. General Terms and Conditions of Purchase
1. Scope
All deliveries and services of the Supplier to VEINLAND GmbH, hereinafter referred to as VEINLAND, are subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Purchase.
It is irrelevant in what form the supplier obtains or has obtained knowledge of the Terms and Conditions of Purchase. For the effective inclusion of these Terms and Conditions of Purchase in the contractual relationship, it is sufficient that the supplier has the opportunity to take note of these Terms and Conditions of Purchase; a reference to this on the order is sufficient.
A single reference to the validity of the Terms and Conditions of Purchase is sufficient for their effective application also for future transactions between the Supplier and VEINLAND.
Orders, supplements, amendments and agreements are only valid if they have been issued or confirmed in writing by VEINLAND.
The Supplier is obliged to check the written order without delay and to notify VEINLAND in writing of any inaccuracies. VEINLAND will examine this complaint as quickly as possible and will inform the Supplier of the result of this examination in writing without delay.
Conflicting or deviating terms and conditions of the Supplier are not binding on VEINLAND, even in the event that VEINLAND has not objected to them or provides services without reservation.
2. Terms of payment
The prices on which the order/purchase order/agreement is based are net prices. The applicable value-added tax is payable on this, if applicable.
Claims of a Supplier against VEINLAND may only be assigned to a third party with the prior written consent of VEINLAND.
If no terms of payment are specified in the order/purchase order/agreement, payment is due no later than 30 days after receipt of the valid invoice, unless the Supplier’s performance is resold by VEINLAND to a third party and the third party has not yet accepted or paid for this performance. The Supplier’s performance is also deemed not to have been accepted if defects are still identified and still need to be rectified.
The supplier issues its invoice by repeating the details from the order. If payment is not made on time due to improper delivery and/or incomplete or incorrect invoice details, payment periods only commences from the date of clarification. The same applies to any ancillary costs incurred by the supplier.
VEINLAND has a right of retention vis-à-vis the Supplier if the Supplier has not delivered on time and/or the third party has canceled further orders or further order volumes vis-à-vis VEINLAND due to the Supplier’s delay.
3. Copyright, exploitation and usage rights
For all development services, design or research studies etc. initiated, specified and commissioned externally by VEINLAND against payment, all copyrights, rights of use and exploitation rights are transferred to VEINLAND. Self-use of the results by the Contractor/Supplier is prohibited and only permitted with the written consent of VEINLAND. VEINLAND is entitled to the sole rights thereto. The Contractor/Supplier receives the previously agreed remuneration, unless otherwise agreed and the Contractor/Supplier has fulfilled the tasks assigned professionally and properly, they have been accepted by VEINLAND and this has been confirmed by VEINLAND.
4. Non-competition clause
The Suppliers/Contractors are prohibited from approaching the employees before, after or during the processing of the order and to entice them away from VEINLAND for their own or third-party purposes or to make use of them in any other way, unless this is done in the execution of the order and after prior agreement with VEINLAND. Suppliers are also prohibited from accepting from VEINLAND employees the services offered by them in their own name before, during or after order processing.
Any infringement triggers a contractual penalty of 20% of the net order value. VEINLAND reserves the right to claim any further damages and to claim injunctive relief from the Supplier/Contractor and the surrender of the profit.
5. Delivery dates
The delivery dates or periods agreed with VEINLAND apply. These deadlines are binding and must be adhered to by the Supplier. The order date applies for the calculation of the delivery period.
If the Supplier – for whatever reason – is unable to meet the delivery period or delivery date, the Supplier must inform VEINLAND of this immediately in writing. The reasons for the delay in delivery must be disclosed and new binding delivery dates or deadlines must be agreed or specified.
In the event of a delay in delivery, VEINLAND has the right to withdraw from the contract and to claim damages from the Supplier. VEINLAND grants the Supplier a reasonable period of grace if this should be necessary. As a rule, 10 working days are considered sufficient.
If the Supplier is in default and VEINLAND accepts the delayed delivery, this does not constitute a waiver of the aforementioned rights.
If the Supplier is in default with their delivery to VEINLAND (non-compliance with the delivery date or the delivery period), VEINLAND is entitled to demand a contractual
penalty from the Supplier amounting to 5% of the order value for each completed week of default in addition to the fulfillment of the contract. VEINLAND reserves the right to claim the contractual penalty until final acceptance of the delivery.
VEINLAND has the right to demand compensation from the Supplier for the damage incurred. However, VEINLAND may, at its own discretion, also demand liquidated damages of up to 10% of the net order value per commenced week of delay from
the Supplier.
The Supplier has the right to prove to VEINLAND that VEINLAND has suffered no or less damage as a result of the delay in delivery.
6. Shipping/transfer of risk
The Supplier is obliged to pack the goods properly and to send them to VEINLAND. Unless the contracting parties have agreed otherwise in advance. The risk of accidental loss or accidental damage to the goods does not pass to VEINLAND until VEINLAND has received the goods and acknowledged receipt of the goods. VEINLAND is deemed to have fulfilled its obligation to inspect incoming goods to a sufficient extent if it has randomly inspected the goods within five working days of receipt and examined them with regard to completeness, obvious defects and identity of the goods, insofar as this is possible according to the type and condition of the goods received. Any defects etc. are then reported to the Supplier in writing without delay. VEINLAND notifies the Supplier immediately of any obvious transport damage.
The Supplier is obliged to use only environmentally friendly packaging material for the packaging and shipment of its goods, insofar as this is possible and safe transportation of the goods is thereby made possible.
Any partial deliveries must be agreed; otherwise VEINLAND has the right to reject the service. If VEINLAND rejects partial deliveries which have not been agreed, the Supplier bears the costs incurred. VEINLAND reserves the right to take further legal action.
Declaration, labeling and packaging must be carried out in accordance with the latest version of the nationally and internationally applicable regulations (e.g. ADR, RID, IMDG Code, IATA-DGR, ADNR) and provided with the prescribed, legally binding signed dangerous goods declarations. Packaging and labeling must comply with existing regulations. Deviating or additional regulations of the recipient country – if specified in the order – must also be taken into account.
The freight must be clearly and visibly marked by the supplier with the necessary shipping documents, delivery bills, consignment notes, labels and markings, whereby a reference to the order number, material number and place of delivery must be indicated. This applies in particular to freight which is sent by the Supplier directly to a third party commissioned by VEINLAND (shipments which do not touch the factory).
If the Supplier has declared the freight badly, incorrectly or not at all, or has not or insufficiently provided it with the necessary information/documents, VEINLAND is entitled to demand compensation from the Supplier for the additional expenses incurred and the resulting damage.
7. Export license requirement
Proof of origin:
Suppliers based in the European Union are obliged to provide a long-term supplier’s declaration for all deliveries, or – unless otherwise possible – an individual supplier’s declaration in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 1207/2001, at the latest at the time of delivery.
Suppliers based outside the European Union are obliged to issue a preferential proof of origin (EUR.1, EUR-MED, invoice declaration etc.) on request in accordance with the applicable preferential agreement. In the event that the goods are not of preferential origin or if the preferential origin differs from the non-preferential origin, the supplier is obliged to indicate the non-preferential origin and – on separate request – to provide a certificate of origin issued by the relevant competent authority. The country of origin must be stated precisely. In the case of communities or groups of countries, the individual country of origin must be indicated (e.g. “Federal Republic of Germany (European Union)”.
Proofs of origin according to this paragraph are free of charge for VEINLAND.
The Supplier is obliged to notify VEINLAND immediately in writing of any export restrictions on the goods delivered by the Supplier. This obligation applies in particular to so-called
dual-use products in accordance with Regulation (EC) 428/2009 or other products whose export or re-export is prohibited or subject to authorization in accordance with certain regulations.
The Supplier must fulfill the control and monitoring obligations incumbent upon him vis- à-vis his suppliers, manufacturers and dealers.
8. Warranty/liability for defects
The Supplier must provide VEINLAND with the contractually agreed services/deliveries free of material defects and defects of title.
If the service/delivery does not have the agreed quality or has not been delivered in the agreed quantity, VEINLAND has the right to subsequent performance by subsequent
improvement or new or replacement delivery at its discretion as well as to compensation for damages in accordance with the statutory provisions.
The Supplier bears the expenses required for subsequent performance. This includes in particular the costs for installation and removal as well as travel expenses.
If subsequent performance fails or is not carried out within the reasonable period set by VEINLAND, VEINLAND has the right to withdraw from the contract or to reduce the remuneration. VEINLAND has the right to claim damages from the Supplier instead of performance. In addition, VEINLAND has the right to demand compensation from the Supplier for futile expenses. Any warranty claims remain unaffected by this.
If the Supplier does not fulfill his obligation to subsequent performance or remedy defects within the period of grace set by VEINLAND, VEINLAND has the right to remedy the defect itself if this should be necessary, in particular in cases of imminent danger. The Supplier must bear the additional costs incurred for this and reimburse VEINLAND. VEINLAND has the right to continue to demand subsequent performance or rectification of defects from the Supplier despite the effort to remedy the defect itself.
If VEINLAND has withdrawn from the contract for reasons for which the Supplier is responsible, VEINLAND has the right to continue to use the service/goods free of charge until a sufficient replacement has been procured. The same applies if the use is made by a third party.
VEINLAND is not liable for any consequential damages.
VEINLAND is not liable to third parties for any defects in purchased goods and services, etc.
The Supplier must fulfill any guarantees granted and other promises made by him. No written confirmation by VEINLAND is required for this.
9. Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, Electrical and Electronic Substances Ordinance
The Supplier is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Act on the Placing on the Market, Return and Environmentally Sound Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (ElektroG), the Electrical and Electronic Substances Ordinance and to fulfill the obligations arising therefrom.
10. Product liability
The Supplier is obliged to indemnify VEINLAND against claims by third parties on account of defects in his performance/goods/supplied product. This also applies to any
costs in the event of a recall. VEINLAND is not liable to third parties for any defects in purchased goods and services, etc.
The Supplier warrants that it has appropriate insurance cover at its own expense. VEINLAND is entitled to demand the presentation of proof at any time.
11. Documents, data carriers etc.
If VEINLAND provides the Supplier with data, data carriers, samples, drawings, product descriptions, specifications, etc., these must be returned by the Supplier free of charge without delay at VEINLAND’s request. These documents etc. are protected by copyright and are the property of VEINLAND. These documents may not be passed on to third parties for inspection, duplication, distribution, utilization or otherwise made accessible without authorization.
12. Business secrets
The Supplier protects VEINLAND’s business secrets in compliance with the currently applicable statutory provisions. It is obliged to treat VEINLAND’s orders and the associated commercial and technical details as business secrets.
13. Compliance
The Supplier is obliged to comply with all relevant laws, legal regulations etc. that exist in connection with the execution of the order.
In particular, it is obliged to comply with the provisions of social security law, criminal law, antitrust law, the Posted Workers Act, the Minimum Wage Act, the Supply Chain Act and specified social standards and to ensure that child labor is not used. In addition, the provisions of the UN Global Compact Initiative must be observed.
The Supplier ensures that no child labor has been involved in the manufacture/delivery of its goods, products, materials, vendor parts, etc. VEINLAND does not tolerate child labor and demands the same attitude from its suppliers. In addition, reference is made to the Code of Conduct for Business Partners, which can be found in section III.
The Supplier is obliged to comply with the relevant anti-corruption laws and regulations and not to make any financial contributions or other
gifts to employees of VEINLAND or their family members.
The Supplier endeavors to obligate any subcontractors and suppliers to comply with the aforementioned regulations.
VEINLAND is not liable if suppliers do not comply with the above standards, for whatever reason.
14. No-Russia clause
The Supplier warrants that it will comply with the sanctions packages imposed on Russia and will not import any goods or services that may not be imported from Russia and will only maintain business relations with companies that comply with the Russian embargoes.
15. Ancillary provisions
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively, with the exception of the Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
The place of performance and jurisdiction is the registered office of VEINLAND.
Should any provision of these Terms and Conditions of Purchase or other agreements be or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, or should a loophole be found therein, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision is replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.
16. Written form
Amendments to the above provisions must be made in writing.
II General Terms of Delivery
1. Scope
All deliveries and services of VEINLAND GmbH, hereinafter referred to as VEINLAND, are subject to the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC). The Customer’s terms and conditions of contract and purchase does not become part of the contract, even in the event of our delivery, without the express objection of VEINLAND. Software licenses are issued on the basis of the VEINLAND License Agreement, which then applies in addition to the General Terms and Conditions.
2. Conclusion of contract
Offers from VEINLAND are subject to change. Orders and commissions of the Customer must be in writing. Acceptance by VEINLAND takes place either in writing or by delivery. Assurances to the contrary are only valid if confirmed in writing by VEINLAND.
3. Delivery and delay in delivery
Delivery dates communicated or agreed to the Customer are regarded as approximate values and is only binding if they have been designated as binding by VEINLAND in writing. VEINLAND is not responsible for delays in delivery due to force majeure, due to changes in the official approval or legal situation, operational disruptions, labor disputes, material procurement problems, even if binding delivery dates have been agreed. In such cases, the agreed delivery date is tacitly extended by the reasonable period necessary to eliminate the obstacle and its consequences. VEINLAND is entitled to make partial deliveries. These are to be accepted by the Customer as far as reasonable.
Claims for damages by the Customer due to delay are excluded in any case, unless the delay is due to intent or gross negligence on the part of VEINLAND.
If the Supplier is in default with their delivery to VEINLAND (non-compliance with the delivery date or the delivery period), VEINLAND is entitled to demand a contractual penalty from the Supplier amounting to 5% of the order value for each completed week of default in addition to the fulfillment of the contract. VEINLAND reserves the right to claim the contractual penalty until final acceptance of the delivery.
VEINLAND is not liable to third parties for any defects in purchased goods and services, etc.
4. Shipping/transfer of risk
The goods are dispatched from the VEINLAND warehouse. For all deliveries, the risk of accidental loss or accidental damage passes to the Customer as soon as the goods have been handed over to the carrier, even if carriage paid delivery has been agreed. If dispatch is delayed due to circumstances for which the Customer is responsible, the risk passes to the Customer as soon as the Customer is notified that the goods are ready for dispatch.
5. Terms of payment
All deliveries and services will be invoiced at VEINLAND’s prices valid at the time of fulfillment of the contract. The prices quoted are ex warehouse VEINLAND. Packaging and shipping costs as well as the applicable statutory value added tax are added. VEINLAND has the right to adjust its prices to the usual market prices at any time and without prior notice. This also applies to framework call-off contracts.
If no terms of payment are specified in the order, all payments are due within 5 days of the invoice date without deduction. If the Customer is in default of payment, VEINLAND is entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of at least 9% above the respective
discount rate of the Deutsche Bundesbank. If the Customer is in default of payment, all claims of VEINLAND against the Customer becomes due for payment immediately. This also applies in the event of a significant deterioration in the Customer’s financial situation and suspension of payments. VEINLAND may accept checks and bills of exchange at its own discretion only on account of performance.
Expenses are borne by the Customer. VEINLAND is entitled to demand advance payment for deliveries.
If VEINLAND purchases services from third parties, the third party will be paid when VEINLAND’s customer has accepted these services in full and there are no defects.
6. Retention of title
VEINLAND retains title to the delivered goods until all claims, including future claims arising from the business relationship, have been paid in full. The retention of title is released at the request of the Customer in a form to be determined in writing by the parties if and to the extent that the security value exceeds the claims to be secured by more than 20%.
The Customer is entitled to resell the goods subject to retention of title in the ordinary course of business. However, he is prohibited from assigning or pledging the goods subject to retention of title as security. VEINLAND must be informed immediately of any dispositions by third parties, in particular attachments or assignments, and must be provided with the documents required for an intervention. The exercise of rights arising from the retention of title or a request for surrender is not deemed a withdrawal from the Contract.
The Customer hereby assigns to VEINLAND all claims arising from the resale of the goods subject to retention of title. The Customer is revocably entitled to collect these claims. On request, the Customer must inform VEINLAND of the assigned claims and their debtors. VEINLAND is entitled to disclose the assignment to the Customer’s debtor.
Any processing or further processing of the goods delivered by VEINLAND by the Customer is carried out for VEINLAND. VEINLAND acquires title to the value of the goods subject to retention of title at the time of processing or further processing.
If the goods subject to retention of title are combined with other items, VEINLAND acquires co-ownership of the new item in the ratio of the value of the goods subject to retention of title to the other items at the time of processing.
In the event of default of payment by the Customer, VEINLAND is entitled to collect the goods subject to retention of title which are still in the Customer’s possession. This also
applies in the event of a significant deterioration in the Customer’s financial situation and suspension of payments. The Customer must allow VEINLAND’s employees authorized to collect the goods subject to retention of title access to the business premises during office hours, even without prior notification.
7. Warranty
Each customer or reseller is solely responsible for deciding whether a product ordered from VEINLAND is capable of running on a computer system intended for use with this product. The warranty period is 6 months from the date of delivery to the Customer. The Customer must check the delivered goods immediately for quantity and quality. Defects and faults must be reported to VEINLAND in writing within 8 days of delivery or, in the case of hidden defects or faults, within 8 days of becoming aware of them, otherwise any claims by the Customer are excluded. In the event of a justified complaint, VEINLAND, at its discretion, either replaces or repairs the goods within the scope of the delivery ordered. If it turns out that the alleged defect is not a defect and/or was not caused by VEINLAND, the Customer reimburses VEINLAND in full for all costs incurred for troubleshooting and possible rectification.
Deliveries/services of VEINLAND which are resold by VEINLAND, the Customer or a third party to a third party and/or which are incorporated and/or integrated/installed in another item and/or on the ship will only be repaired or redelivered if these costs for the subsequent improvements/redeliveries are in a balanced relationship to the value of the delivery/service, i.e. not more than 20% of the value of the delivery/service. In the event of costs exceeding this amount, VEINLAND exercises its right to refuse performance in accordance with Section 439 IV 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB). If the Customer nevertheless demands subsequent improvement or subsequent delivery, the Customer must bear the costs incurred in full and, at VEINLAND’s request, make advance payment for this. Otherwise, VEINLAND exercises its right to refuse subsequent improvement or subsequent delivery in accordance with Section 439 IV 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
Furthermore, VEINLAND is entitled to limit the warranty to the assignment of its own warranty claims against manufacturers, suppliers and authors. In the event of a failed subsequent improvement, the Customer grants VEINLAND a reasonable period of grace of at least 14 days.
The warranty is excluded if the Customer or third parties have tampered with the delivery item. The Customer bears the costs of an unauthorized or incomplete return shipment. VEINLAND is entitled, at its discretion, either to charge a flat rate of € 50.00 for such returns or to invoice them specifically.
VEINLAND is not liable for any consequential damages. VEINLAND is not liable to the Customer for any defects in purchased goods and services, etc.
8. Copyright, exploitation and usage rights
VEINLAND retains all copyrights, rights of use and exploitation rights for all development services, design or research studies etc. initiated, specified and commissioned externally by VEINLAND against payment. Self-use of the results by the Customer/Orderer is prohibited and only permitted with the written consent of VEINLAND. VEINLAND is entitled to the sole rights thereto. The Contractor/Supplier receives the previously agreed remuneration, unless otherwise agreed and the Contractor/Supplier has fulfilled the tasks assigned professionally and properly, they have been accepted by VEINLAND and this has been confirmed by VEINLAND.
9. Non-competition clause
The Customers are prohibited from approaching the employees before, after or during the processing of the order and to entice them away from VEINLAND for their own or third-party purposes or to make use of them in any other way, unless this is done in the execution of the order and after prior agreement with VEINLAND. Customers are also prohibited from accepting from VEINLAND employees the services offered by them in their own name before, during or after order processing.
Any infringement triggers a contractual penalty of 20% of the net order value. VEINLAND reserves the right to claim any further damages and to claim injunctive relief from the Customer and the surrender of the profit.
10. Liability
Claims for damages against VEINLAND and its vicarious agents and assistants, regardless of the legal grounds, in particular also for indirect and consequential damages, are excluded. This does not apply if liability is mandatory in cases of intent, gross negligence or the absence of warranted characteristics. However, any claim for damages is in any case limited to the amount of the order value.
VEINLAND is not liable to third parties for any defects in purchased goods and services, etc.
11. Embargo regulations
The Customer has taken note of the fact that the goods delivered by VEINLAND are partly subject to certain export regulations and that he is obliged to comply with the restrictions communicated to him by VEINLAND.
12. Minimum wage and other statutory regulations
VEINLAND complies with the minimum wage limits in accordance with the requirements of the German Minimum Wage Act (MiLoG) and provides evidence of this.
VEINLAND is not liable for Contractual Partners who do not comply with the provisions of the MiLoG and reserves the right to claim damages from the Contractual Partner in the event of any claims by third parties.
VEINLAND is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Posted Workers Act, the Supply Chain Act, social standards, regulations from the UN Global Compact Initiative and the protection of business secrets.
VEINLAND is not liable if suppliers do not comply with the above standards, for whatever reason.
13. Assignment of claims
The Customer is not entitled to assign or transfer its rights and obligations under the contract to third parties unless VEINLAND has given its prior written consent.
14. Cancellation of orders by the Customer
If a Customer terminates or cancels orders placed with VEINLAND, for whatever reason, VEINLAND reserves the right to demand compensation from the Customer in the amount of 30% of the order value. The Customer undertakes to pay the compensation demanded without delay and waiving any possible defenses or objections at VEINLAND’s first request.
15. Anti-corruption clause
VEINLAND undertakes to counteract any form of corruption.
VEINLAND or its employees may not directly or indirectly hold out the prospect of, offer, grant or promise any gifts, benefits or other advantages to the Customer or its employees or third parties.
VEINLAND or its employees may not commit or aid and abet any criminal acts against the Customer or its employees or third parties which fall under the corresponding criminal provisions pursuant to Section 298, 299, 333, 334 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) or Section 17, 18 of the German Act against Unfair Competition (UWG).
The Customer is also obliged to counteract any form of corruption and must ensure that its employees or third parties behave in accordance with the law and, in particular, do not commit any criminal acts that fall under the corresponding criminal provisions
pursuant to Sections 298, 299, 333, 334 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) or Sections 17, 18 of the German Act against Unfair Competition (UWG).
VEINLAND is entitled to terminate all existing contractual relationships with the Customer extraordinarily without notice or to withdraw from these contractual relationships with immediate effect if the Customer or its employees or third parties violate the applicable anti-corruption laws, without prejudice to other rights of termination or withdrawal.
The Customer is obliged to compensate VEINLAND for any damage incurred or to be incurred as a result, unless the Customer can prove that he is not responsible for the breach of duty.
The aforementioned provisions do not apply if the benefits or gifts are customary social benefits in the form of occasional gifts of low value, such as low-value promotional gifts, birthday, anniversary and Christmas gifts of appropriate value or appropriate hospitality.
15. No-Russia clause
VEINLAND undertakes to comply with the sanctions packages imposed on Russia and will not import any services or goods that are not permitted to be imported from Russia and will only maintain business relations with companies that comply with the Russian embargoes.
16. Confidentiality/data protection/data storage
The Customer is obliged to treat as confidential all information which becomes or has become accessible to it in connection with VEINLAND’s deliveries and which clearly constitutes business secrets, in compliance with the statutory provisions, and not to record this information, pass it on to third parties without authorization or exploit it in any other way, unless this is necessary for the performance of the contract with VEINLAND.
VEINLAND stores and processes the data of its customers in accordance with the statutory provisions and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and GDPR. VEINLAND treats this data as strictly confidential.
17. Invalidity of a clause
Should one of the provisions contained in the GTC be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision is replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.
18. Place of performance, place of jurisdiction, applicable law
The place of performance and jurisdiction is the registered office of VEINLAND.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively, with the exception of the Uniform Law on the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
19. Written form
Amendments to the above provisions must be made in writing.
III. Code of Conduct for Business Partners
VEINLAND is a company that is responsible for its employees. Compliance with social and ethical standards is a matter of course for VEINLAND.
This includes compliance with applicable regulations such as the Supply Chain Act, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and related UN conventions, data protection, the Posted Workers Act, the Minimum Wage Act, embargo regulations, anti-corruption, environmental protection, labor law and occupational health and safety, etc.
VEINLAND expects its suppliers, business partners and customers to also recognize the above-mentioned standards and to ensure that they are met.
VEINLAND complies with all applicable competition and antitrust laws and regulations and expects its business partners to comply with these laws and regulations as well.
VEINLAND recognizes the protection of the individual from exploitation and from activities that could impair the mental, physical and/or emotional well-being of the individual. VEINLAND does not tolerate child labor, bribery or non-compliance with human rights. The same is expected of VEINLAND’s business partners.
Should it become known that, contrary to expectations, products or services have been provided by business partners using child labor, VEINLAND expects the business partner concerned to cooperate in finding a satisfactory solution, taking into account the respective situation, social situation and education of the child concerned.
VEINLAND does not tolerate forced labor, does not employ slaves, prisoners or illegal workers and expects the same from its business partners. VEINLAND complies with the applicable labor law regulations and expects the same from its business partners.
- VEINLAND does not tolerate discrimination, unequal treatment or harassment of employees and expects the same from its business partners.
- VEINLAND complies with environmental regulations and standards and expects the same from its business partners.
- VEINLAND complies with the regulations for occupational health and safety and expects the same from its business partners.
- VEINLAND complies with the provisions of the sanctions packages against Russia and also expects its business partners to comply with the sanctions packages against Russia.