Road Safety Colouring Book for Children

Good understanding and knowledge of and attitude towards road traffic is essential for all road users. Therefore it is crucial to improve kids’ road safety awareness as early as possible. VEINLAND contributes every year to donation for coloring books published by the German Accident Prevention Organization (Deutsche Verkehrswacht e.V.) for children. We are proud to announce that we will … Continued

VEINLAND at the 6th East German Entrepreneurs’ Day at Kongresshotel Potsdam

The 6th East German Entrepreneurs’ Day took place recently on April 30, 2024 at Kongresshotel Potsdam. Besides presenting its newly developed innovative products, VEINLAND also informed visitors about variosu job and internship opportunities it has to offer. Lively discussions and informative talks were some of the highlights of the one-day-event. Gerald Rynkowski, MD of VEINLAND … Continued

“We create great and high-quality products, not because we want to be or become rich, but because we enjoy doing so,” – Keynote by Gerald Rynkowski, VEINLAND Managing Director

The annual reception of the BVMW Berlin-Brandenburg took place in the Schinkelhalle, Potsdam last Wednesday. More than 200 guests from politics, business, and culture were present at the event, including Brandenburg’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Professor Dr. Jörg Steinbach. “MOMENTUM – Initiative-Enthusiasm-Conviction – SMEs – Engine and Future of the German Economy” was the motto … Continued

50 Cash Vouchers for ESV Lok Seddin e.V.

VEINLAND is always keen to support regional and local clubs. In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the Seddin Railway Sports Club – Eisenbahner-Sportverein Lokomotive Seddin e.V. (ESV Lok Seddin e.V.) , VEINLAND contributes 50 Amazon cash vouchers to the raffle draw. We wish the club a sucessful and fantastic event!

Donation to the Culture and Football Club Wittbrietzen

We’re thrilled to announce that VEINLAND has made its first-ever donation to the Culture and Football Club Wittbrietzen (KFV-Wittbrietzen)! As part of our commitment to supporting regional and local clubs and NGOs, we’ve provided the club with an advertising board. Our donation to the Culture and Football Club Wittbrietzen is just one of the many … Continued

German-Scholarship-Day (Deutschlandstipendium-Tag) at VEINLAND

VEINLAND is always keen to encourage and support young people.Our employees consist of over 20% of apprentices and we have been co-funding “German Scholarships” (Deutschlandstipendium) to students at local universities in the state of Brandenburg. We see this as a way to invest in today’s young talents and tomorrow’s leaders. Nevertheless, VEINLAND offers various internship … Continued

VEINLAND nominated again for the “Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Enterprises” Competition by Oskar Patzelt Foundation 2024

VEINLAND wurde erneut zum Wettbewerb “Großen Preis des Mittelstandes” der Oskar-Patzelt-Stiftung nominiert.Dies gilt als hohe Anerkennung unserer täglichen Arbeit und unseren kontinuierlichen Leistungen. Damit haben wir bereits die erste Stufe des Wettbewerbs erreicht bzw. die Eintrittskarte ins „Netzwerk der Besten“ erhalten. In der Nominierung heißt es u.a.:Die VEINLAND GmbH ist nicht nur ein innovatives Hardware- … Continued

Upcoming Event: German Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendien) at VEINLAND

VEINLAND is always keen to encourage and support young people.Our employees consist of over 20% of apprentices and we have been co-funding “German Scholarships” (Deutschlandstipendium) to students at local universities in the state of Brandenburg. We see this as a way to invest in today’s young talents and tomorrow’s leaders. Nevertheless, VEINLAND offers various internship … Continued